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Facebook parties

Step 1: Hostess Coaching

HOSTESS COACHING for a Facebook party. CALL your hostess!!! Make sure you give her tips for inviting and stress the importance of the personal invite. Just like with a home party, a personal invite with a call, text, email or FB message will be so much more effective than just sending an invite into cyberspace. Check out this video about calling your hostess: .

The Facebook script below also includes sample words to send to your hostess.


Step 2: Set up the Event Page. You should set up the event page about one week out and make it a private event. As you invite your hostess make sure she is clear that she should personally ask people if they would like an invite rather than mass inviting her whole friend list.

You can use Vizzlie, Cinchshare or another similar program. It is inexpensive, really user-friendly and it allows you to be "present" during your can concentrate on the guests comments and book needs rather than worrying about your next post! You can schedule posts before the party and then posts during the party. Schedule posts are about 3 minutes apart to keep things moving. There are other platforms to use as well.

One quick note about posting programs: you can be "locked out" from Facebook if you copy the same posts too frequently from your account or templates so change them up every once in a while. A little change in the wording or a change in the order of posts is all you need to do!


Step 3: THE SCRIPT. There are a few scripts in the Google Drive. Scripts are great but, whether it is a home or Facebook party, you should personalize it make it YOURS. You may also want to change it to cater towards your audience or the time of year (ie. Christmas, Back to School, Summer). The script gives you a guideline for daily interaction with your hostess from one week out and the daily posts to use.


Step 4: CREATING WISH LISTS. Wish lists are an essential part of a successful party. Ask several times before the party, starting about 3 days out, if people would like a personalized wish list. It is really easy to do and will help boost your sales.













Step 5: PERSONALIZED VIDEOS are great. Facebook parties move fast and people have short attention spans these days. Keep your videos short (the rule of thumb is under 4 can do a longer one the day before the party starts) and make them fun. And they do not have to be perfect. Be yourself! If you do not have your own videos, you can find all sorts of Usborne videos on Our Product Knowledge Page.


Step 6: FUN. Your hostess and guest all want to have fun and the more they feel like they are at a PARTY, the more likely they are to order and want to book their own party. Give them opportunities to share about themselves, play games and keep it light-hearted, It may sound silly, but if you are smiling while posting, it will come across!


Step 7: BOOKING PARTIES. When people attend a Facebook party, they can see how easy it is to have a Facebook party. Try to book at least two parties from each FB party. Give specific dates that you are available and offer virtual raffle tickets as an extra incentive to choose those dates. A pretend hostess video that shows all of the books they will earn helps too! Here's a sample:


Step 8: RECRUITING. Just like with a home party or any event or any time you are doing business, make sure to share the opportunity of working with Usborne. You never know who wants or needs this opportunity so be sure to ask. Here's a video sample:


Step 9: CLOSING THE PARTY: Thank your guests and your hostess for attending and let the guests know how long the party will be open. Typically, it is midnight the next day (but you can leave that subject to change if either the hostess or guest asks!) Here's a sample thank you video:












More Videos- coming Soon



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