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1. How to approach and booking tips
- Letters and emails often get ignored by busy directors.. Visiting in person is best. You can call first or drop by.
- Avoid busy times morning before 9am, lunch and after 3pm. Nap time 1-3pm can be a good time.
- Find out who the director is ahead of time so you can ask for him or her by name.
- Bring a catalog, a letter, sample books to show and chocolate or a little treat.
- You can offer a few free books to encourage centers to BOOK NOW!
- Create a list of 4-6 schools to visit in one day. As you visit you will build confidence, learn what works best and there is a good chance at least one of them will say yes!
- Look for schools in your area that are chains. Once you have a good relationship with one it will be easier to book others.


2. Planning The Book Fair

Cash & Carry Option
- Here is a sample schedule::
Monday 3-close, Tuesday 3-close and Wednesday Open to 9am
Directors are typically ready to get out of there at the end of the day so closing the book fair in the morning allows you to pack up without feeling rushed. Plus you might have the opportunity to meet different parents.
- As with booking parties, it is typically best to give dates that will work rather than say you are wide open.
- See if there is a family activity that you can piggy back on.

- Decide with staff where in the building the book fair will be. Up front where parents have to walk by is best but if that isn't possible, bring signs to direct traffic.



3. Advertising the Book Fair.

- Provide center with a flyer to copy and send home to parents. Many have gone to email only. Sample Flyer

- You can purchase book fair posters in supplies or make your own. One way to save money is make one without dates and laminate it.

- Leave a few books for teachers to read with classrooms.

- Don't be surprised that even with lots of advertising, busy parents are suprised there is a book fair happening. One reason it is good to be there for a few days.

4. Tips for increasing business at the book fair
- Have teachers make wish lists for parents to buy books for classroom.

- Often teachers don't have a chance to make a wish list so another option is to provide gift certificates. As parents are checking out say “Would you like to add $5 or $10 for your teacher to select a book?” Just add that amount onto their total and write out a gift certificate for the teacher to come shop with later.
- Be prepared for taking orders. Make sure to put their child’s name and classroom or teacher. Have them pay at the fair and then order the books with your free book order.

-Set up a display a few days before the book fair. Kids will get really excited about the books and parents will remember it is coming soon!

5. Follow up

- Hold a drawing for $20 in free books to gather names. Make sure to use a slip that asks about Parties and business opportunities. It's a good idea to write notes on the back to remember what they bought, information on their kids and what conversations were had.
- You can set up an e-fair and keep it open for 1-2 days after the link  Have the director send out the link
one more time. Write the email for them and make some book suggestions or help
them think of other people they can shop for. “So sorry that I ran out of the Big Book of
Trains! You can place your order online and have it delivered for free to the school.”
“Have an out of town birthday coming up? Send your books anywhere in the country
and still help the school earn free books.”
- Give the Director a suggested list of books at the amount they have earned. Your turn around will be much quicker than waiting for them to select one from scratch.
- At the end, send out a thank you email. you can include how much the book fair raised, offer party opportunities and link to your shopping site for future purchases.


Preschool book fairs

Why they rock!

- Easier to book than school book fairs.

- Don't need to be an Educational Consultant (unless school has a kindergarten)

- Smaller and great for building skills and confidence

-Great for leads for home parties


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