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Fill Your calendar

Bookings are so very important to your business! If you have bookings, you have business. Before you can get bookings, you need to have a plan. Failure to plan is planning to fail! What would you like your schedule to look like? First step, do you have a calendar? Mark when you are available to work.

 Where do you find bookings? Here’s how to start! You need a Booking Notebook! Here’s a video explaining what a booking notebook is:

The BEST way to get off to a successful start is through SUCCESSFUL KICK OFF PARTIES!! If you haven’t had yours already, schedule these to be held within the next 10 days! First, schedule 2 in-home launch parties - 1 on a week night and the other a weekend. Also schedule your Facebook launch party - this can be done as soon as 3 DAYS from now, so do NOT wait! :) Already had a kick off party but have an empty calendar? Consider a mystery hostess party, new titles party or themed party.
Tip! Work while you are at work ☺ Meaning, when you’re at a party, book parties. Even start hostess coaching your new hostess. Do you know what Pretend Hostess is? Have you practiced Pretend Hostess? Always go over the Customer Care Sheet with your guests as they are filling it out. Here’s a pretend hostess example:






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