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UBAM 102- Fill Your Calendar

A full calendar looks different to each consultant; however there are some recomendations on how many events you should have on your calendar to reach your goals.















Your first 12 weeks are your ‘Incentive Period,’ when you can offer your hostesses DOUBLE-FREE rewards with a $250 min. event plus 1 booking! Show #1 can be your own kick-off (in-home or Facebook or BOTH – have your FB party the night after your home party for people who couldn’t make it to your home!), Then just ask 3 of your friends to host a show (in-home or FB) to help you get started! Friends LOVE to help! Let  them know you need the practice, the minimum sales they need to get double-free books, and see what happens! You can become Success Bound and earn Success Kit #1 (free box of Usborne books and goodies!) ANYTIME in your first 12 weeks; if you do it in your first 30 days, you earn a half-refund on the price of your consultant kit!




  • Means you have ways to share the books with people.

  • Income opportunities.

  • You will become more comfortable and confident about the books and programs.



Recipe for a Full Calendar


1 calendar

A booking notebook

An enthusiastic and open mindset

Some training videos

A network of amazing and knowledgeable consultants



  1. Chose the dates you want to work. Pull out your calendar and circle 4-6 dates that you want to work. This is so important. It helps you schedule your other responsibilities around your new Usborne business. It is also really helpful when you reaching out to people to have specific dates in mind to make it easier for them to make their decision. Work to book these dates first!

  2. Start a booking notebook.This gives you a place to keep track of all of the people in your life that might be interested in the books as well as the new people you meet. Booking Notebook or Business Notebook

  3. Find a friend or two to host a party for you. Use your booking notebook to start calling people. Be careful not to prejudge (she’s too busy, she doesn’t like home parties etc.)- let them make the decision for themselves. Use the words that you wrote down in your booking notebook. Here are some other words to use.

  4. Reach Out. If you are feeling nervous, uncomfortable, discouraged- make sure to reach out for support.





To reach success Bound &

earn 1/2 your kit back

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