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Grit Book Club Challenge

#Grit Challenge - How it Works

Hello! Welcome to our monthly challenge based on this month's theme- GRIT. The challenge will go along with the book that inspired the theme: Grit by Angela Duckworth. We encourage you to read along but you can participate without reading the book as well. Every couple of days we will post a brief overview of a chapter or two and a challenge that goes along with the theme of the chapter(s). You can follow along and keep track of your progress using our School Bus themed Road Map. All posts will include #Grit Book Club Challenge and the letter that matches the Road Map square.

*Please note- not all chapters will have a post or challenge

Chapter 2: Distracted by Talent & Chapter 3: Effort Counts Twice Watch this video overview of the chapters: Challenge: Share 2-3 talents that you bring to UBAM that help you in your business. Let us know 1 or 2 skills that you would like to develop more. Include the words "Commit to Get Grit" if you agree that EFFORT is what will bring you success.

Challenge: Set & Post Your Goals You have taken the Grit Test and thought about what talents you bring the table and which skills you would like to increase. Now it's time to set a Grit related goal! Here are some examples: I will practice getting back on the treadmill when things don't go as I wanted. I will increase my product knowledge so I can improve my selling skills. I will practice my booking skills. I will practice my hostess coaching skills. I will practice my recruiting skills.

Tina Beal recently posted this video training in the leaders page. It fits perfectly with our challenge because it is about vision. When we have a clear vision for our self we can fuel it with passion and persevere in striving for our goals. Watch the video and don't forget to check it off your Road Map.

Challenge: Make your Vision Board! What a fun Challenge! Please post yours- we'd love to see them!

Chapter 4- How Gritty are You? -If you haven't done so, take the grit test here: -You can see where you fall in comparison to others by finding your score on the chart. -Grit has 2 parts, perseverance and passion. To find your score for perseverance, add up the even numbered questions. To find your passion score, add the odd numbered scores. -Chances are, your perseverance score is higher than your passion score. People tend to be better at working hard than at maintaining a consistent focus. Duckworth claims this suggests passion and perseverance are different things. Chapter 5: Grit Grows -Grit is a combination genetic and environmental factors. -In unpublished twin studies, the heritability of perseverance is estimated to be 37%, and passion 20%. Supposedly, the rest of the contribution is from the environment. -Also, in a survey of US adults, grit rises steadily over age. The good news? You can grow your grit!

Chapter 4/5 Challenge: If you feel pulled in too many directions, how do you prune your goal list? Warren Buffett suggests this exercise for prioritization: Write a list of 25 career goals. Circle the 5 highest priority goals for you. Only 5. You must avoid the 20 goals you didn’t circle. These are your distractions. Post 2-3 of your priority goals below!

Chapter 6: Interest

You have to have interest to begin your journey of developing GRIT. “Research suggests that people are more satisfied and more effective at their jobs when they do something that fits their personal interests. For instance, if you prefer interacting with people, you’ll perform better as a salesperson than as a data entry clerk. Unfortunately, only 13% of adults consider themselves engaged at work.” People think that they will just immediately find what they love. That it’s an instantaneous action when in fact it takes years of development. In the beginning you must find something that holds interest and never give up. Passion can be developed over time. “interests are triggered by interactions with the outside world” – not arrived at solely by introspection.” Interests grow through the people in your life cultivating experiences People only start showing general interests in middle school age. Forcing it doesn’t work either Bottom line once you find an interest keeping working it and learning about it and growing with it. Those who continue and never give up are the ones that are the most successful

Challenge: What is your why? What makes you passionate about UBAM?

Chapter 7: Practice "It's a persistent desire to do better. It's the opposite of being complacent. But it's a positive state of mind, not a negative one. It's not looking backward with dissatisfaction. It's looking forward and wanting to grow." Deliberate Practice Steps: - Set a stretch goal - Strive to improve specific skills -Hungrily seek feedback- have more interest in what went wrong then what went right -Repetition with reflection and refinement When we prepare with deliberate practice, we can experience FLOW. Eventually, what we have practiced becomes so second nature that it develops into a habit that we barely need to think about. Want to learn a little more:

Challenge: Imagine a perfect party, conversation with a potential recruit or event. Picture it in your mind start to finish. What skills do you need to develop in order to achieve your goals?

Here is part two of Tina's training: Challenges: Pick one or do them all! Find a Vision Buddy, Create a Vision Binder & Complete The One Thing Worksheet.

Watch this video from amazing Direct Sales trainer, Belinda Ellsworth (she's presented at several UBAM conventions).

Challenge: Find a time to try out a Power Hour!

Challenge: Post what skill you have been working on or plan to try to improve!

Chapter 8: Purpose

Purpose, as defined here, is “the intention to contribute to the well-being of others.” #1 Because of the way we have created an altruistic society it is easier to be gritty #2 Grittier people take on jobs that have more purpose #3 You can be self-oriented and others oriented and be successful. *The parable of the bricklayers: Three bricklayers are asked, “what are you doing?” The first says, “I am laying bricks.” The second says, “I am building a church.” The third says, “I am building the house of God.” The first bricklayer has a job. The second has a career. The third has a calling. People who a. Have jobs are interested in the material benefits from it b. Have careers have a deeper personal investment c. People who have callings find it difficult to separate their personal and work but its fulfilling People who feel purpose in their work show meaningful benefits: # 1 Are more satisfied with their lives overall # 2 They’re more willing to work unpaid after hours, over time and miss less #3 They improve and continue to learn #4 They are pushed beyond normal obstacles. “Because you’re working for a greater cause and are backed by all the people you want to help, you’re not afraid to pound on doors and doggedly pursue your goal. Whereas when you’re acting selfishly, you become self-conscious about barriers.” How do you cultivate a sense of purpose? #1 ask yourself how what you do contributes to society #2 Connect what they learn to how it can improve society #3 figure out how you can change what you do now to connect Think about how you can change your current work to connect to your values, even if just in small ways. #4 create a map of how you want your work to look and follow it. #5 find a purposeful role model #6 Find someone who inspires you to be better person Grit Summary Quotes “I was very good at going into new environments and helping people realize they’re capable of more than they know. I started to realize that if I could help people— individuals— do that, then I could help teams. If I could help teams, I could help companies. If I could help companies, I could help brands. If I could help brands, I could help communities and countries.“– Kat Cole, from Hooters waitress to Cinnabon President

Challenge: Is UBAM a hobby, a job, a career or a calling?

Chapter 9: Hope

(Grit depends on a hope that you have the power to improve things. “Hope sustains passion by giving optimism that one day you can achieve your goals, and thus they’re worth holding for long periods of time. Hope sustains perseverance by encouraging thinking about how to overcome setbacks, rather than just accepting them as permanent.”) Learned Helplessness – Suffering without the belief of control which can lead to depression, lack of concentration and mood disorders Learned Optimism – Suffering with the belief that you can control your circumstances and change them “If you keep searching for solutions to your problems, you at least have a chance of solving them. If you stop looking, you have zero chance.” A growth mindset increases grit and perseverance Adolescents can change their IQ! Optimists: a) Less likely to suffer from depression and anxiety b) tend to earn higher grades c) are healthier d) Stay in their jobs e) Sell 25% more f) Gritter and happier teachers that teach their students to reach for higher achievements

Challenge:. Review your Goals. What goals did you set this month for yourself or as part of this challenge? How is it going? Have you had set backs? Were you able to jump back in?

Watch this video about Mindset. Hint: She talks a bit slow. You can use the icon that looks like a wheel to change the speed to 1.25 or 1.5 times as fast!

Final Challenge! Congrats- you persevered and finished the challenge! We want to hear your stories! What did you learn? How do you think Grit will help you in your business? What successes did you have? What failures did you overcome?

If you are gritty, you will not be one who walks away. - Traci Geiser

A #grit challenge from me to you! Complete two from each box each day this week and post below what you did and I will send you happy mail! (Happy mail=something fun in the mail. It's NOT a bill so it makes you 😃.) Let's book up our fall! -Traci Geiser

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