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How to Have Higher Sales at Your Events

I’m so excited to be sharing with you these great tips for getting higher sales at your events. Much of the ideas come from a training by Liz Hawkinson and Becky Dean. I highly recommend listening to their Audio Training!

I’m guessing that very few, if any, of you love to sell. In fact that word might even bring up very negatives feelings and thoughts. The truth is that everyone is in sales, a least partially. A teacher needs to sell what she is teaching to her students, a doctor needs to sell the health advice he is giving and think of all the things we have to "sell" to our kids to help them become decent, independent human beings.

Book Recommendation and Quick Review: To Sell is Human.

The other truth is that selling books has the potential to change lives- there is NO reason to feel bad about that! Here’s a definition that I think describes our job: Relationship Selling. Building relationships of genuine rapport and trust for the purpose of gaining information and support for a buying decision that is in the best interests of all concerned.

The Audio training above goes through the E.A.S.I.E.S.T ways to sell by Liz Hawkinson and Becky Dean and think they offer amazing tips. So let’s review!

E- Enthusiasm. Share your enthusiasm for your books! How do you think you do in this area? Do you maybe need to tone down your enthusiasm (get a little too high pitched and talk on and on about how great the books are?) or maybe crank it up just a bit if you aren’t a naturally enthusiastic (orange) person. Making small adjustments can have a big impact as long as you continue to be genuine!

A-About. Being knowledgeable about the books is a great way to be able to share their benefits and match a customer’s needs to a great book. What are some good ways to gain product knowledge? Have you visited our Product Knowledge part of the site recently?

S- Savings and Sets. Absolutely make sure you are talking about Customer Specials, Collections and Combined Volumes at your parties and events. Our Customer Specials are great deals! Our Collections? They rock! Why? You typically get one or two books for free. They are great to give as gifts both as a whole collection or to divide up and give to lots of people. Combined Volumes offer amazing savings. Did you know that the cover is the most expensive part of a book? So when you buy a Combined Volume you can save tons of money! What is your favorite current Customer Special, Collection and Combined Volume and why?

Check these graphics out!

I- Ideas. Let customers know about how UBAM can make their life easier! They can make great gifts for an upcoming baby shower or kid birthday party. They provide entertainment while their kids wait at a restaurant or doctor office or on a long trip.

Maybe you suggest that they use a key ring to keep their activity cards together, or laminate Big Pad pages for a place mat. I like to tell people who purchase Wipe-Cleans that rubbing alcohol works magic on getting them clean again. Or suggest that they get a lantern to go with their Shine-a-Light book.

How have you provided ideas to customers to help sell books or provide great customer service?

E- Emotions. People buy based on their emotions and how they feel about their purchase. We know how important it is for children to have quality books in their homes! We all have stories about how a book personally impacted us. We know that stories about kids falling in love with our books touch our hearts. Share stories, help them envision themselves snuggled up with their kiddos reading a bedtime story or how peaceful their car ride will be with just the right activity book.

S- Smarter Kids. Research and statistics tell us how book ownership and reading aloud creates readers and lifelong learners. Sharing how our books specifically engage children of all ages and learning styles including literacy tips helps them feel good about their purchase.

T- Testimonials. Stories sell. Share relatable stories about the benefits of our books. Your own personal stories are great but you want to share customer stories as well. If you don’t have your own yet, borrow them. What stories do you find yourself sharing about your customers?

Final Tip. Don’t be afraid of higher priced books. Our book prices match their value! The higher price books are unique, amazing keepsakes, great gifts, full of incredible information etc. Find a couple that you truly love and appreciate the value of and talk about them. Take a look some of our books over $25. What do you love about them? What words can you use when you tell customers about it? As you probably figured out, when you share about our books you may use several of these techniques at the same time.

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