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Self-Care Challenge

On an airplane, we are told to put on our own oxygen mask FIRST, before putting them on our children. We are reminded of this every time we fly because our instinct as parents is to put our children's safety and needs first. However, when we constantly put our children, our household responsibilities, work etc. first, we run the risk of depleting ourselves of our energy and joy. We need to refill ourselves in order to give to the people and responsibilities in our life.

Here are some ways we can care for ourselves and keep our cups full!

1) Connecting with others is so important! When we get busy we can sometimes neglect the relationships our important relationships leaving us feeling lonely and disconnected. Who do you need to reconnect with? How will you do that?

2) Pampering and giving ourselves permission and time to relax and rejuvenate is so important. Pampering can be a long afternoon nap, a hot bath with candles, scheduling a massage or pedicure, hiring someone to do the cleaning or deliver your groceries. What is your favorite way to pamper yourself?

3) This may not feel like self-care for everyone but when my house is a mess and there is clutter everywhere it adds to my stress. Cleaning out a closest or reorganizing my desk helps me reset. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and calm. What area could you declutter to help bring calm to your life? Your email in-box? Your desk? Your closet?

4) We all know how beneficial regular exercise is but many of us struggle to make it a regular part of our daily and weekly routine. There is TONS of support out there if you want to make a commitment to a regular exercise routine. What works for me is exercising first thing in the morning either in my home or walking my neighborhood. Other people might need an exercise partner or prefer to go to a gym where there is also a social aspect. Lots of people work with personal coaches or sign up for a run that motivates them to train. Yoga is not only a great way to exercise, it has many other health benefits as well. There are SO many different ways to move our bodies, I truly believe there is something for everyone! What is your favorite type of exercise and what kind of routine has worked for you?

5) I was going to combine reading with another category but since we are Book people, I thought it needed it's own category! One of my favorite vacation activities is Binge Reading a book, usually a fun, not too serious one. It is truly a successful vacation if I finish two or three books! I also read every night before I go to sleep. Escaping to another world helps me unwind from the day and shut down. How is reading part of your self-care?

Oh and look, here's some research on how good reading is for us adults too!

6) Hiking is part of my weekly routine (unless it's really cold outside) but even if it's not your thing, there IS something about just being outside in nature. In the woods, by water, somewhere with a beautiful view... just sitting and breathing in fresh air can help us de-stress. What are your favorite nature spots?

7) For many people expressing themselves creatively through art, crafts, writing or projects is an important piece of their self-care. Here are some benefits:

What is your favorite creative outlet?

8) Meditation has huge benefits of reducing stress and helping us be present so we can fully experience the moments in our life. If you are uncomfortable or new to meditation, simply taking time to focus on your breathing and trying to still your mind is a good way to start, Here are some tips for beginners:

How many of you do some kind of meditation?

9) What kind of life are we living if it doesn't include FUN!? There are so many benefits of making sure PLAY and Laughter are a regular part of our lives!

How do you include play into your life? What activity could you add to include even more fun?

My Challenge for you: Pick one thing you will do this week. Put it on your calendar, plan for it, make it happen! Then as you are planning for the New Year think about the areas you want to include into your daily, weekly or monthly routines. Think about how you can make them a priority.

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